
yup, this who page is just for it :3

  • msfconsole to start it


search exploit <term>

Searches for the term in the exploits

use <exploit_path>

Selects the exploit to use (or use the number after a search)

show options

Shows the selected exploit's options

set <variable> <value>

Sets the option's value


Checks if the server is vulnerable


Runs the exploit

Useful exploits

  • multi/handler to catch shells from msfvenom

  • windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec EternalBlue (scan with auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010)

  • post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester After successful shell, suggests possible exploits

Adding exploits to msfconsole

For example, find it from searchsploit:

searchsploit Lightweight Facebook-styled blog 1.3

the script has a metasploit module but it's not included by default so we have to import it

cd /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/exploits
# optionally mkdir php
searchsploit -m php/webapps/50064.rb

msfconsole -m /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/
# OR from metasploit
msf6> loadpath /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/
# OR
msf6> reload_all

The critical folders are also symlinked in our home and root folders in the hidden ~/.msf4/ location.

Always use snake-case, alphanumeric characters, and underscores instead of dashes.

To write a custom script all necessary information about Metasploit Ruby coding can be found on the Metasploit Framework related page.

help search
search type:exploit platform:windows cve:2021 rank:excellent microsoft


grep meterpreter show payloads
grep meterpreter grep reverse_tcp show payloads

Payload Types

The table below contains the most common payloads used for Windows machines and their respective descriptions.




Generic listener, multi-use


Generic listener, multi-use, normal shell, TCP connection binding


Generic listener, multi-use, normal shell, reverse TCP connection


Executes an arbitrary command (Windows x64)


Loads an arbitrary x64 library path


Spawns a dialog via MessageBox using a customizable title, text & icon


Normal shell, single payload, reverse TCP connection


Normal shell, stager + stage, reverse TCP connection


Normal shell, stager + stage, IPv6 Bind TCP stager


Meterpreter payload + varieties above


Interactive PowerShell sessions + varieties above


VNC Server (Reflective Injection) + varieties above


Shikata Ga Nai (SGN) is one of the most utilized Encoding schemes today because it is so hard to detect that payloads encoded through its mechanism are not universally undetectable anymore. Far from it. The name (仕方がない) means It cannot be helped or Nothing can be done about it, and rightfully so if we were reading this a few years ago. However, there are other methodologies we will explore to evade protection systems. This article from FireEye details the why and the how of Shikata Ga Nai's previous rule over the other encoders.

Flags to add encoding for msfvenom

-b "\x00" -e x86/shikata_ga_nai
  • -b for bad bytes

  • -e encoding

For msfconsole:

show encoders

Iterating encoders: -i 10


Metasploit supports PostgreSQL by default.

Check status:

sudo msfdb status

Configure if not already present:

sudo service postgresql status
sudo systemctl start postgresql
sudo msfdb init


workspace -a Target_1
workspace Target_1 
workspace -h

Importing nmap scans

You can import XML (preferably) nmap outputs:

db_import Target.xml

Or scan directly from inside msfconsole:

db_nmap -sV -sS

See saved target hosts:


See discovered services:


Save Found Credentials

creds -h

Backup data

After finishing the session, make sure to back up our data if anything happens with the PostgreSQL service. To do so, use the db_export command.

db_export -f xml backup.xml


The loot command works in conjunction with the command above to offer you an at-a-glance list of owned services and users. The loot, in this case, refers to hash dumps from different system types, namely hashes, passwd, shadow, and more.

loot -h


Listed in /usr/share/metasploit-framework/plugins

Loading plugins (example with nessus):

load nessus

Installing new plugins

git clone
sudo cp ./Metasploit-Plugins/pentest.rb /usr/share/metasploit-framework/plugins/pentest.rb

Afterward, launch msfconsole and check the plugin's installation by running the load command. After the plugin has been loaded, the help menu at the msfconsole is automatically extended by additional functions.

Some plugins

Many people write many different plugins for the Metasploit framework. They all have a specific purpose and can be an excellent help to save time after familiarizing ourselves with them. Check out the list of popular plugins below:


To change out of the current meterpreter (or other stages) session use:


List with:


Switch to session ID with:

sessions -i <Number>

post modules often require to specify a session in the options


If, for example, we are running an active exploit under a specific port and need this port for a different module, we cannot simply terminate the session using [CTRL] + [C]. If we did that, we would see that the port would still be in use, affecting our use of the new module. So instead, we would need to use the jobs command to look at the currently active tasks running in the background and terminate the old ones to free up the port.

jobs -h

When we run an exploit, we can run it as a job by typing exploit -j. Per the help menu for the exploit command, adding -j to our command. Instead of just exploit or run, will "run it in the context of a job."

exploit -h

Listing running jobs:

jobs -l

Use the jobs -K command to kill all running jobs. or kill [index no.] to kill a specific one

Useful meterpreter commands


Last updated