Typical ports: TCP/25 TCP/465
Nmap script: smtp-open-relay
telnet <FQDM/IP> 25
| AUTH is a service extension used to authenticate the client. |
| The client logs in with its computer name and thus starts the session. |
| The client names the email sender. |
| The client names the email recipient. |
| The client initiates the transmission of the email. |
| The client aborts the initiated transmission but keeps the connection between client and server. |
| The client checks if a mailbox is available for message transfer. |
| The client also checks if a mailbox is available for messaging with this command. |
| The client requests a response from the server to prevent disconnection due to time-out. |
| The client terminates the session. |
Metasploit (msfconsole) module: scanner/smtp/smtp_enum
Last updated