
Enumeration phase tools. Fuzzing, Discovery, ...


  • Seclists

    • Subdomain enumeration: /Discovery/DNS (subdomain*)

    • Pages, Extensions, Directory, Parameters: /Discovery/Web-Content (directory-list*.txt, web-extensions.txt, burp-parameter-names.txt)

    • LFI wordlist: /Fuzzing/LFI

  • Crunch Word list generator

Port mapping




Run scripts


Version scan

-p <ports>

Specify ports. Can be a list, can contain ranges


Scan all 65535 ports

--script=<script name> -sC

Run a specific script from usr/share/nmap/scripts


Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute (Loud)


Show only open ports

-oA <name_of_files>

Save in all output formats with prefix of name_of_files


Disables port scanning

-iL <file>

Scans a list of hosts from a file


Displays the reason for specific result.


Shows all packets sent and received


Fast Scan. Top 100 ports


Scans the specified top ports that have been defined as most frequent.


Disable DNS resolution


Disables ARP ping.


Shows status every 5 seconds

-v or -vv

Verbositiy level, increasing


Performs service detection, OS detection, traceroute and uses defaults scripts to scan the target.

--min-rate <number>

Speed optimization parameter

-T <0-5>


--source-port 53

Performs the scans from specified source port.


Update scripts DB

Some useful nmap scripts (/usr/share/nmap/scripts/):

Some nmap usages examples:

  • -p 21 --packet-trace -Pn -n --disable-arp-ping to scan port 21 and get a detailed information for the packet as the answer

Scan types



Performs the ping scan by using 'ICMP Echo requests' against the target. Usually in combination with --disable-arp-ping to disable ARP Scanning


(Default as Root) SYN Scan


(Default as non-Root) TCP Scan


Performs a UDP scan.


Performs a service scan.


TCP ACK scan (hard to filter)


Disable the ICMP echo requests (avoid checking if host is alive)

Types of ports states


This indicates that the connection to the scanned port has been established. These connections can be TCP connections, UDP datagrams as well as SCTP associations.


When the port is shown as closed, the TCP protocol indicates that the packet we received back contains an RST flag. This scanning method can also be used to determine if our target is alive or not.


Nmap cannot correctly identify whether the scanned port is open or closed because either no response is returned from the target for the port or we get an error code from the target.


This state of a port only occurs during the TCP-ACK scan and means that the port is accessible, but it cannot be determined whether it is open or closed.


If we do not get a response for a specific port, Nmap will set it to that state. This indicates that a firewall or packet filter may protect the port.


This state only occurs in the IP ID idle scans and indicates that it was impossible to determine if the scanned port is closed or filtered by a firewall.

XML (-oX) output to HTML tool: xsltproc



Typical Usage

ffuf -w ./SecLists/example.txt:FUZZ -u http://domain.com/FUZZ

Recursive search

-recursion -recursion-depth 1

File extension

-e .php

Setting and/or fuzz headers (example: VHosts)

-H "Host: FUZZ.domain.com"

Filter or Match


Example: Filter (remove) by response size anything of size 600

-fs 600




-d ""

Ignore comments


Colorize output


Output to file

-o <file_name>

PHP Config file defualt positions

X.Y is the php version

Nginx: /etc/php/X.Y/fpm/php.ini

Apache: /etc/php/X.Y/apache2/php.ini


Simple Networking Management Protocol

Can provide information such as process parameters, routing information, versions and services bound to interfaces

snmpwalk is used to interact with it

  • Example: snmpwalk -v 2c -c public

onesixtyone can bruteforce the community string names

  • Example with included bruteforce file: onesixtyone -c dict.txt


DNS, vhost, and directory brute-forcing

Directory mode

gobuster dir option


-u <URL>

Defines the target URL

-w <path_to_wordlist>

Defines the wordlist

DNS mode


-d <domain>

Defines the target domain

-w <path_to_wordlist>

Defines the wordlist (example: SecLists/Discovery/DNS/namelist.txt)


If it has SSL we can use openssl to connect:

openssl s_client -connect -starttls ftp

Custom Wordlist Generation (CeWL)


  • Webserver banner: Find in header, can use curl -IL

  • Whatweb: handy tool and contains much functionality to automate web application enumeration

Last updated