Attacking Common Services

Vulnerabilities are commonly discovered by people who use and understand technology, a protocol, or a service. As we evolve in this field, we will find different services to interact with, and we will need to evolve and learn new technology constantly.

To be successful at attacking a service, we need to know its purpose, how to interact with it, what tools we can use, and what we can do with it. This section will focus on common services and how we can interact with them.



Win + R


dir \\\Finance\

Mounting using CMD

net use n: \\\Finance

net use n: \\\Finance /user:plaintext Password123

With the shared folder mapped as the n drive, we can execute Windows commands as if this shared folder is on our local computer. Let's find how many files the shared folder and its subdirectories contain.

dir n: /a-d /s /b | find /c ":\"

dir command explanation:






Directory or drive to search


/a is the attribute and -d means not directories


Displays files in a specified directory and all subdirectories


Uses bare format (no heading information or summary)

dir for searching

With dir we can search for specific names in files such as:

  • cred

  • password

  • users

  • secrets

  • key

  • Common File Extensions for source code such as: .cs, .c, .go, .java, .php, .asp, .aspx, .html.

dir n:\*cred* /s /b

dir n:\*secret* /s /b

findstr for searching contents (grep equivalent)

findstr /s /i cred n:\*.*


Get-ChildItem \\\Finance\

Monting to drive letter

New-PSDrive -Name "N" -Root "\\\Finance" -PSProvider "FileSystem"

To provide a username and password with Powershell, we need to create a PSCredential object. It offers a centralized way to manage usernames, passwords, and credentials.

$username = 'plaintext'
$password = 'Password123'
$secpassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $username, $secpassword
New-PSDrive -Name "N" -Root "\\\Finance" -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Credential $cred

Counting files in all drive

(Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse | Measure-Object).Count

Finding files by name

We can use the property -Include to find specific items from the directory specified by the Path parameter.

Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path N:\ -Include *cred* -File

Select-String to find file contents (grep equivalent)

Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path N:\ | Select-String "cred" -List



sudo mkdir /mnt/Finance
sudo mount -t cifs -o username=plaintext,password=Password123,domain=. // /mnt/Finance

As an alternative, we can use a credential file (sudo apt install cifs-utils).

mount -t cifs // /mnt/Finance -o credentials=/path/credentialfile

Credentials file:


Find file by name

find /mnt/Finance/ -name *cred*

Find file by content

grep -rn /mnt/Finance/ -ie cred

Other services


Suggested client: evolution


  • Command Line Utilities (mysql or sqsh)

  • Programming Languages

  • A GUI application to interact with databases such as HeidiSQL, MySQL Workbench, or SQL Server Management Studio.

Command Line Utilities

  • MSSQL:

    • Linux: sqsh -S -U username -P Password123

    • Windows: sqlcmd -S -U username -P Password123

  • MySQL

    • Linux: mysql -u username -pPassword123 -h

    • Windows: mysql.exe -u username -pPassword123 -h

Multi-DB GUI

dbeaver is a multi-platform database tool for Linux, macOS, and Windows that supports connecting to multiple database engines such as MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, among others,

To install dbeaver using a Debian package we can download the release .deb package from and execute the following command:

sudo dpkg -i dbeaver-<version>.deb

General Tools

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